yesterday's tennessee

Yesterday's Tennessee

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This index was partially taken from a reunion index compiled for the Tennessee Homecoming event.  Thanks to Ruth Maness for making this index available.

Thanks to Debora Lockard for transcribing this index.

We need your help to complete this index.  If you can help, please contact me.

This material is from a variety of sources and is subject to error.

Corrections or additions are gladly accepted.

Decaturville High School
Decatur County High School

Index to Graduates

This index to graduates and faculty of Decaturville High School and Decatur County High School is sorted by the name of the graduate or faculty member.  To sort on any other column, click on the header at the top of that column.  Click on the graduation year to go to the class picture.

SurnameGiven NameClassOffice
Aaron Ada 1963
Aaron James Paul 1957
Aaron Jo Ann 1959
Aaron Lynda Carolyn 1964
Aaron Robert G. 1959
Aaron Wilma Lee 1946
Adams Bobby Harold 1959
Adams Edward 1932
Adams Jerry 1957
Adkin Edgar C. 1931
Adkisson Vernon 1935
Akin Louise 1928
Alexander Edna Crawley 1935
Alexander Iris 1951 Secretary
Alexander M 1961 Sponsor
Alexander Margarett 1965 Faculty
Alexander Margie 1964 Faculty
Alexander Mrs. Margie 1960 Faculty
Anderson Martha Aileen Pickens 1945
Arnold Maxine 1960
Arrington Alma 1942
Arrington Carolyn 1959
Arrington Delia 1934
Arrington Leroy 1958
Arrington Patty 1956
Averett Grady 1928
Avery C R 1948 Principal
Avery C. R. 1949 Principal
Avery C. R. 1950 Principal
Avery C. R. 1951 Principal
Avery Carroll R. 1947 Principal
Baen Elizabeth White 1939
Baker Lynn 1962 President
Barber Carter 1937
Barber Sarah McKinney 1939
Barnes Dorothy 1940
Barnes Evelyn Ruth 1945
Barnes William T. 1927
Barnett Peggy 1960
Barnett Ralph 1964
Barron Loyce L. 1960
Barry Lorraine 1938
Barry Ralph 1943
Bartholomew Connie Jr. 1958 President
Bartholomew Freddy 1962
Bartholomew Jerry 1954
Bartholomew Joe 1956
Bartholomew Peggy 1962
Beard Wilma 1926
Beatty Elva Mae 1958 Secretary
Beaty Melba 1932
Bell Larry 1964
Bingham Earline 1956 Faculty
Black Glenna Mae 1948
Blackstock Betty 1963
Blackstock Jimmie Faye 1959
Blackstock Omer 1933
Blackwell Mrs. Carl 1945
Blankenship Mack 1964
Blankenship Nancy 1964 Faculty
Blasingim Barney Jr. 1964
Blasingim Charlene 1959
Blount Harlan 1950 Vice President
Blount Joe L. 1942 President
Blount Patsy 1958
Blount Robert L. 1959
Bogan Hazel Akin 1932
Boroughs Betty 1955
Boroughs Franklin 1960
Boroughs Sandra Kay 1965
Boroughs Jimmy 1961
Borroughs Bonnie 1952
Boswell Argie Kelley 1925
Brann Ersa Lafferty 1925
Brasher Ben Frank 1942
Brasher Betty 1963
Brasher Betty D. 1955
Brasher Betty L. 1956
Brasher Billy Welborn 1957
Brasher Carolyn Thomas 1960
Brasher Dian 1965 V. President
Brasher Dora 1964 Faculty
Brasher Dora Katherine 1956 Secretary
Brasher Dorothy Davis 1945
Brasher Earl 1954
Brasher Farris M. 1937
Brasher Frank 1964 Vice-President
Brasher Fred L. Brasher 1956 Treasurer
Brasher Gene 1955
Brasher Harold 1959
Brasher Jerry 1956
Brasher Jesse G. 1965 Faculty
Brasher Jimmy H. "Zee" 1949 Sgt at Arms
Brasher Larry D. 1961
Brasher Linda 1961
Brasher Margaret 1961
Brasher Marjorie 1946
Brasher Mary Ruth 1959
Brasher Melba 1948 Reporter
Brasher Nancy 1961
Brasher Omega 1952
Brasher Pat 1950
Brasher Paul D. 1955
Brasher Ralph 1946 Vice President
Brasher Ray Cole 1963
Brasher Rebecca 1964
Brasher Robert 1960
Brasher Roy 1962
Brasher Sue 1955
Brasher Troy 1936
Brasher Walter James 1960
Brasher William A. 1937
Brawley Author Jr. 1960
Brawley Edward 1962
Brawley Elizabeth 1964
Brawley Mary 1962
Brawley Robert 1965
Brawley Shirley 1956
Brigance Colean 1942
Brigance Hubert 1961
Brigance Jerry 1961
Brigance Mabel 1942 Treasurer
Brigance Robert 1959
Bright Naomi 1941
Britt Addie 1950
Britt Dewey 1955
Britt Donel 1953
Britt James R. 1956
Broadway James Vernice 1964
Broadway Jerry 1958
Broadway Kola 1954
Brown Ted 1965
Bryant Barbara Jean 1965
Bunch Mrs. Joe 1954
Bunch Peggy 1962
Bunch Prescilla Gail 1965
Burgess Mrs. Talmage 1933
Butler Austin 1963
Butler Brenda Gail 1965
Butler Charles 1955
Butler Dickie 1954 Vice President
Butler Guy 1924
Butler Robert Tate 1953 President
Byrd Suzanne 1965
Campbell Martha L. 1943 Secretary second term
Campbell Omigene 1947
Campbell Toney Gale 1965
Camper Jim 1962
Camper Joyce 1960
Camper Larry Don 1965
Camper Louise 1958
Camper Nancy Lounell Morris 1957
Camper Royce 1960
Camper Velma 1965
Cantrell Ozella Sims 1924
Carrington Betty Wade 1961
Carver Claude 1965
Carver J. Howard 1937
Cathy Hazel Ledbetter 1932
Chapman Mrs. Doyle 1940
Chester Loraine 1944 Ch Housekeeping
Chumney James 1955 Vice President
Chumney Peggy 1965 Faculty
Chumney Vernice F. 1955
Churchwell Charlie Jr. 1945
Churchwell Elbert 1942
Churchwell Irene 1940
Churchwell Louise 1938
Clark Shirley 1963
Clenney Mrs. Thomas 1945
Compton Louise Pope 1945
Conder Mrs. John R. 1950 Faculty
Conway Pete 1964
Conway Robert 1960
Cooper Maude David 1939
Cordle Barbara Gail 1964
Cordle Eddie 1948
Cordle Harry Truman 1965
Cordle Jo Ann 1963
Cordle Lucille 1944
Cordle Wayne 1963
Cordle Wilma Sue 1961
Cottrell Kattie Morgan 1961
Crawford Thomas 1960
Crawley Alton 1953 Vice President
Crawley Billy 1951 President
Crawley Buford B. 1956
Crawley Denver 1965
Crawley Elbert 1955
Crawley Geneva 1960
Crawley Grady 1943 Sgt. At Arms second term
Crawley J. Gail 1965
Crawley John W. 1940
Crawley Martha 1953
Crawley Monroe 1959
Crawley Virginia Sue 1958
Crawly Joe 1926
Creasey Barney 1955
Creasy Gilbert Jr. 1957
Cruse Ann 1961
Culp Ben Frank 1960
Culp Bobby 1958
Culp Charlotte 1963
Culp Drucilla 1950
Culp Jean 1954
Culp Linda 1963
Culp Martha 1960
Currin May Dell 1964
Currin Wilma 1955
Curry Helen 1940
Curry Nema 1941
Davis Betty Jo 1960
Davis Blanche 1940
Davis Bonnie Fisher 1965
Davis Hershel 1943
Davis James William 1965 Reporter
Davis Joyce 1960
Davis Lester Jr. 1964
Davis Marie Aileen 1956
Davis Martha Sue 1950
Davis Oma Lee 1947 Reporter
Davis Vanetta 1949
Davis Virginia 1950
Davis Vivian 1962
Deere Jewell 1933
Dees Mary Alice 1950
Derrberry Augustine Creasy 1946
Dixon A. B. Jr. 1946
Dixon A. B. Jr. 1953 Faculty
Dixon Billy 1952 Faculty
Dixon Doris 1953
Dixon Grady 1930
Dixon Virginia 1950 Reporter
Dobson Dorris Tuten 1960
Dodd Doris 1954
Dodd Mabel 1951
Duck Catherine 1960
Duck Faye Evelyn 1959
Duck John Sam 1961
Duck Laura Bell Yarbro 1945
Duck Wilma Sue 1958
Dunavant Alvin 1958
Dunavant Ima June 1952 Reporter
Dunavant Jerl 1963
Dunavant Johnny 1958
Dyson Earlba Joyce Mays 1957
Eaton Clessie 1940
England James L. 1933
England Mary Belle 1941 Treasurer
Evans H. B. 1958 Faculty
Evans H. B. 1959 Principal
Evans H. B. 1960 Principal
Evans H. B. 1961 Principal
Evans H. B. 1965 Principal
Evans H. B. 1946 Principal
Evans H. B. 1956 Principal
Evans H. B. 1963 Principal
Evans H. B. 1964 Principal
Evans Henry B. 1926
Evans Iris 1961 Faculty
Evans Iris 1963 Faculty
Evans Iris 1965 Faculty
Evans Iris 1964 Faculty
Evans Iris Adair 1924
Evans James Floyd 1963 Faculty
Evans James Floyd 1964 Faculty
Evans James Floyd 1965 Faculty
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1946 Sponsor
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1948 Faculty
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1949 Faculty
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1950 Faculty
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1951 Faculty
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1952 Faculty
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1953 Sponsor
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1955 Sponsor
Evans Mrs. H. B. 1956 Faculty
Evans Mrs. Iris 1947 Faculty
Evans Mrs. Iris 1954 Faculty
Evans Mrs. Iris 1958 Faculty
Evans Mrs. Iris 1959 Sponsor
Evans Mrs. Iris 1960 Faculty
Fanning Jack 1952 Faculty
Faylene Pearcy 1951
Fiddler June 1960
Fisher Billy 1948
Fisher Dollie 1961
Fisher Geraldine 1951
Fisher Hollis Frank 1959
Fisher Jimmy 1964
Fisher Larry 1965
Fisher Margaret 1962 Secretary
Fisher Martha Ellen 1959 Treasurer
Fisher Martin 1951
Fisher Mary Ellen 1955
Fisher Mrs. Willie Aaron 1930
Fisher Ralph 1953
Fisher Rebecca 1960
Fisher Sammy 1958
Fisher Sammy 1961 Faculty
Fisher Sammy 1963 Faculty
Fisher Sammy 1964 Faculty
Fisher Virginia 1949
Fisher Wanda 1954
Fisher Wilma 1940
Funderburk Ted 1961
Gardner West 1934
Gates Lonnie 1924
Gibson Jack 1956
Gibson Jerry 1960
Gibson Marie 1950 Secretary
Gibson Mattie Kelley 1925
Goff Larry 1961
Goldtrap Miss Polly 1951 Faculty
Green Emma 1964
Greenaway Doris 1955
Greenway Bobby Joe 1954
Greenway Peggy 1960
Griffin Melba Lou 1949 Secretary
Gurley Betty Lou 1959 Secretary
Gurley Jo Anne 1960
Gurley Mrs. Roy Frank 1939
Hancock Mae 1965 Faculty
Haney Carrie 1941 Faculty
Haney David 1959
Haney Donald 1962
Haney Mrs. R. L. 1946 Faculty
Haney R. L 1958 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1952 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1953 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1954 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1955 Principal
Haney R. L. 1959 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1960 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1961 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1963 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1951 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1956 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1964 Faculty
Haney R. L. 1965 Faculty
Hardin George 1932
Hardin Myrtle 1926
Hardin Nora Lee Crawley 1934
Harrell Tommy 1959 President
Harrington June 1963
Harrington Marie 1958
Harris Annabelle Raney 1947
Harris Jean Thomas 1958
Hayes Alton D. 1960
Hays Earnest 1933
Hays Joe 1955
Hays Juanita Denise 1964
Hays Paul 1943 Sgt. At Arms first term
Hays Robert 1954
Hays Thomas 1941 Vice President
Hays Tommy 1948 Vice President
Hays Wyvaughan 1960
Helms Betty Goodman 1960
Helms Ted D. 1956
Hendricks Myrtle Jane 1962
Hendrickson T. J. 1941 Faculty
Hendrix Mrs. Obie 1954 Faculty
Higdon Melba 1949
Hill Dolph Jr. 1952
Hobbs Bobby 1954
Hobbs Ruby Mae 1941
Hooper Marles 1938
Hopper Georgia Mae 1945
Hopper Harold 1943 Treasurer second term
Hopper Lowell 1952
Hopper Marvin Leon 1957
Hopper Mildred 1953
Hopper Nancy Lou Wyatt 1957
Horner Gary 1964
Housten Winona 1938
Houston Dorothy Sue 1947
Houston Logan 1935
Houston Royce 1964
Inman Bobbie Welch 1957
Inman Hilton Dee 1964
Ivey David 1961
Ivey Donna 1958
Ivey Genetta 1940
Ivey Glenn 1963
Ivey Jerry Lynn 1962
Ivey John W. 1954
Ivey Lamarse 1947 President
Ivey Lamarse 1958 Faculty
Ivey Larry 1962
Ivey Lawson 1961
Ivey Newman 1940 President
Ivey Paul 1954 President
Ivey Shirley Ruth 1965
Ivey Vannie Cole 1935
Ivey Walter Wayne 1957
Ivey William 1954
Ivy Lamarse H. 1956 Faculty
Ivy Wanda Darlene 1965
Jackson Geraldine 1949 Reporter
Jackson Grady 1936
Jackson Joe Ted 1959
Jackson Melba June 1952 Vice President
James Bobby 1960
James Eddie Thomas 1964
Johnson Allie V. 1941 Sponsor
Johnson Allie V. 1961 Faculty
Johnson Allie V. 1963 Faculty
Johnson Allie V. 1964 Faculty
Johnson Allie V. 1965 Faculty
Johnson Anna Jane 1947 Treasurer
Johnson Avioius 1938 Post Graduate
Johnson Avious 1937
Johnson Delia Butler 1924
Johnson George 1954
Johnson Glynn 1933
Johnson Hobert 1953 Principal
Johnson J. H. 1954 Principal
Johnson J. Hobart 1952 Principal
Johnson Joe 1955
Johnson Lucy 1944 Treasurer
Johnson Marlene 1949 Treasurer
Johnson Mary Rebecca 1964 Treasurer
Johnson Mather 1931
Johnson Mrs. Allie V. 1949 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. Allie V. 1950 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. Allie V. 1958 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. Allie V. 1959 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. Allie V. 1960 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. Hobart 1956 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. J. H. 1951 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. J. H. 1952 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. J. H. 1953 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. J. H. 1954 Faculty
Johnson Mrs. J. H. 1955 Faculty
Johnson Polly 1954
Johnson William M. 1943 Vice President first term
Jones H. Luther 1930
Jones Jesse H. 1947
Jones Leon 1944
Jones Oeda 1942
Jones Walter, Jr. 1956
Jordon Elihu 1938 President
Keeton Alma Sue 1955
Keeton Barbara Ann 1963
Keeton Billy 1949 Vice President
Keeton Billy Ray 1964
Keeton Bonnie 1962
Keeton Bryan 1954
Keeton Charles 1938
Keeton David Larry 1963
Keeton David Ray 1963
Keeton Donald 1951 Vice President
Keeton Dorothy 1944
Keeton Emma Spence 1931
Keeton Eva Sue 1958
Keeton Fred 1954
Keeton Helen 1940
Keeton James 1964 President
Keeton James R. 1959
Keeton Jennie Cruse 1960
Keeton Lona Crawley 1948 Treasurer
Keeton Marjorie 1946
Keeton Mary Lou 1947
Keeton Melba Adkisson 1957
Keeton Nancy 1961
Keeton Paul R. 1959
Keeton Russell 1964
Keeton Thomas 1960 V. President
Keeton Tommy 1963
Keeton Wilborn 1955
Kelley Carolyn 1961 Treasurer
Kelley Eva Jane 1948
Kelley Frances 1962
Kelley Virginia 1963 Treasurer
Kelly Eddie Lee 1964
Kelly Jimmy 1953 Sgt. At Arms
Kelly Larry 1954
Kennedy G. T. 1961 Faculty
Kennedy Grady 1952
Kennedy Guy 1928
Kennedy Hoover M. 1937
Kennedy Jerry 1960
Kennedy Rickey 1965
Kennedy Thelma R. 1937
Kindle Albert 1943
Kindle Carolyn 1965
Kindle Carrie 1948
Kindle Eddie Sue 1951
Kindle Edward 1963
Kindle Jerry 1956 President
Kindle Jimmye 1950 President
Kindle Peggy Jane 1958
Kindle Virginia 1947 Secretary
King Charles L. 1959
King Henry Barry 1961
King Iris Jane 1964 Reporter
King L. C. 1946 Faculty
King L. C. 1947 Faculty
King L. C. 1948 Faculty
King L. C. 1949 Faculty
King L. C. 1950 Sponsor
King L. C. 1959 Faculty
King L. C. 1960 Faculty
King L. C. 1961 Faculty
King L. C. 1963 Faculty
King L. C. 1964 Faculty
King L. C. 1965 Faculty
King Lonnie C. II 1958
King Mickey 1960
Knight Christine 1943
Knight Nancy Ann 1965
Knight Patsy J. 1959
Kreer Ruth Duck 1936
Lacy Alma Blount 1930
Lacy Calvin 1951
Lacy Louie 1961
Lacy Mildred 1940
Lacy William Charlie 1947
Lafferty Lela 1922
Lafferty Clara Pauline 1947
Lafferty Doris 1959
Lafferty Flora May 1961
Lafferty Frances 1951
Lafferty Irene 1926
Lafferty Jerry 1956
Lafferty Mrs. Herman 1939
Lafferty William Howard 1955
Lancaster Babe 1941
Lancaster Billy Joe 1964
Lancaster Evelyn Martin 1946
Lancaster Julia 1931
Lancaster Kathleen 1942 Secretary
Lancaster Lorene Pope 1945
Lancaster Patricia Ann 1959
Lancaster Ted 1955
Leasure Enloe 1957
Leasure Joyce 1963
Leasure Sarah 1959
Legernes Vera Miller 1932
Lemay Nancy 1962
Lewis O.k. Jr. 1939
Linebarger Brenda Dees 1939
Lineberry Harold 1955 Faculty
Linton Marjorie 1942 Secretary
Linton Thomas Murrel 1938 Sgt. At Arms
Loman James Ray "Pete" 1957
Lomax Billy 1962
Lomax Margaret 1965
Lomax Wanda 1959
Long Jerry 1963
Long R. T. 1942
Lowry Sammy 1958 Faculty
Maddux T. L. 1949 Faculty
Magers Donnalene 1958
Magers Evon 1951
Magers Lenard Jr. 1954
Malcolm Judy 1961
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1948 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1949 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1951 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1952 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1953 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1954 Sponsor
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1955 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1956 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1958 Sponsor
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1959 Faculty
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1960 Sponsor
Malcolm Mrs. Pauline 1962 Sponsor
Malcolm Pauline 1961 Faculty
Malcolm Pauline 1963 Sponsor
Malcolm Pauline 1964 Faculty
Malcolm Pauline 1965 Faculty
Malcolm Rosemary 1960 Sec-Treas
Malone James 1935
Maners Dennis 1965
Maners Graple 1936
Maners Harold 1963
Maners Jerry 1961
Maners Jo Nell 1963
Maners Katie 1960
Maners Luna Pearl 1959
Maners Neal 1948
Maness Frankie 1952
Maness Grapel 1937
Maness Ruth Crawley 1952
Marion Dale 1930
Marr Hollis 1955
Marr Ruth 1953
Marr Wilborn 1953
Martin Anthony 1956
Martin Bill 1961
Martin Carolyn 1954
Martin Henry D. 1954 Treasurer
Martin Irma June 1956
Martin Jeanette 1961
Martin Jo Lois 1950
Martin Reeder 1962
Martin William H. 1956
Mason Jessie Mae 1957
Mayo Janice 1954
Mayo Joyce 1952
Mayo Junior Lee 1959
Mays Carl 1933
Mays Gerald 1949
Mays James E. 1942 Vice President
Mays Joe Allen 1946
Mays Murrel 1940
Mays Norma Dean 1951
Mays Pearl 1941 Secretary
McBride Jimmy 1962
McClure Alma 1953
McClure Fred 1949
McClure Helen 1950
McClure Hugh 1939
McClure James 1963
McClure Joyce 1958
McClure Louise 1947
McClure Melba 1948 Secretary
McClure Nadine 1949
McClure Richard 1959
McClure Ruble 1934
McCorkle James 1962
McCorkle Patty Sue 1949 President
McCormic Bobby 1963 President
McCormic Charles L. 1958
McCormick Virgil Jr. 1957
McCutchen Lula 1940
McDearis Dora Smith 1934
McIllwain Mrs. Jack 1945
McKinney Billy 1944
McKinney Dorothy 1947
McMillian James R. 1931
McPeak Jane 1960
McPeak Joann Yarbro 1957
McPeak John 1958
McPeak Roy & Joan Ray 1960
McPeak Walter 1965
McPeake Eugene 1943 President second term
Middleton Mrs. Danny 1934
Milam Geraldine 1955
Milam Ginny 1959
Milam Jerry 1962
Milam L. A. 1960
Milam Roxie May 1956
Milam Travis 1961
Milam W. C. 1925
Milam W. C. 1940 Vice President
Miller Mable 1937
Millican Clara 1963 Faculty
Millican Clara 1964 Faculty
Millican Mrs. Clara 1959 Faculty
Millican Mrs. Clara 1960 Faculty
Millican Mrs. H. B. 1953 Faculty
Mitchell Rebecca Jane 1964
Monroe Jimmy 1961
Monroe Johnny Franklin 1964
Montgomery Alice Fay 1944
Montgomery Anna Lee Renfro 1957
Montgomery Bonnie 1959
Montgomery Katheryn 1944
Montgomery Louise 1941
Montgomery Mary Lou 1951
Montgomery Ottis 1936
Montgomery Paul 1962
Montgomery Pauline 1940 Secretary Treasurer
Montgomery Trissia 1964
Moore Anna 1940
Moore Argie 1956
Moore Billy 1962
Moore Charles Ray 1953
Moore Chloe 1953
Moore Delton 1960
Moore Don 1962
Moore Dorothy 1948
Moore Emily Etta 1965
Moore Evelyn Campbell 1945
Moore James Fletcher 1947 Vice President
Moore Margie 1956
Moore Melton 1960
Moore Nina Sue 1958
Moore Oscar 1958
Moore Ralph 1946 Sgt. At Arms
Moore Ray 1957
Moore William 1959
Morgan Billy Joe 1954
Morgan Bobbye Sue 1964
Morgan Iris 1942
Morgan Ruth 1951
Morgan Shelby F. 1959
Morris Eugene 1951
Murphy Brownie 1957
Murphy Don 1960
Murphy Grady 1956
Murphy Jo Lynn 1960
Murphy Troy 1949
Myracle Alvin 1928
Myracle Bobby 1965
Myracle Freida 1963
Myracle Gaylon 1961
Myracle Margery Anita 1964
Nagle John 1950 Faculty
Nagle John S. 1951 Faculty
Nance W. A. 1954 Faculty
Nance W. A. 1955 Faculty
Nance W. A. 1956 Faculty
Nelson Madge 1932
Newman Anna 1950
Newman John Carl 1962
Newman Joyce Sparks 1959
Newman Mary Nellie 1949
Newman Nancy 1959
Norman Ruth 1956
Odle Glen David 1958
Odle Wilma Sue 1958
O'neal Jane 1937
Pace Iris King 1933
Palmer C. A. 1924
Palmer C. A. 1941 Superintendent
Parish Betty 1952
Parish Paul E. 1959
Parris Mrs. J. L. 1935
Parrish Shirley 1965
Parsons Thomas 1947
Passmore Evelyn 1938
Paterson Hubert 1964
Patterson Brenda Sparks 1965
Pearcy Billy G. 1964
Pearcy Bobby Glenn 1960
Pearcy Faylene 1951
Perry Bill 1952 Treasurer
Perry Shirley 1954
Pettit Aileen Vise 1932
Pevahouse Jo Evelyn 1944
Phillips Charles 1963
Phillips Exie 1953
Phillips Georgia 1951
Phillips Joan 1959
Phillips Kathleen Sims 1930
Phillips Laura 1963
Phillips Marilyn 1959
Phillips Morris 1957
Phillips Nellie 1958
Phillips Opal 1953
Phillips Patricia 1962
Phillips Sammy 1965
Pickens Flynn 1963 Faculty
Pickens Lexie 1937
Pickens Mrs. F. V. 1952 Sponsor
Pickens Mrs. Flynn 1953 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. Flynn 1954 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. Flynn 1955 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. Flynn 1960 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. Flynn V. 1956 Sponsor
Pickens Mrs. J. O. 1949 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. J. O. 1950 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. J. O. 1951 Sponsor
Pickens Mrs. J. O. 1958 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. J. O. 1959 Faculty
Pickens Mrs. J. O. 1961 Faculty
Pope Albert 1958
Pope June White 1959
Pope W. M. 1940
Potts Mary Alice 1941
Powers Wallace 1955
Powers Wayne 1965
Pratt Billy 1956
Pratt Elco 1943 President first term
Pratt Fred 1939
Pratt Gary Don 1965
Pratt Ronald 1962
Pratt Ruby 1940
Pratt Weldon 1950
Pratt Weldon 1959 Faculty
Prince Betty Ann Maners 1957
Pulley Ann 1964 Secretary
Pulley Billy B. 1959
Raines Thomas D. 1951
Rainey Anne 1943 Secretary first term
Rainey Lexie 1953
Raney Max Ray 1946
Raney Mildred 1953 Reporter
Raney Paul 1948 President
Raney Robert 1950
Raney Robert 1960 Faculty
Raney Robert 1961 Faculty
Ray Joan 1959
Ray Mable Tuten 1934
Ray Ralph 1956
Ray Roberta 1954
Ready Jimmy Joe 1961 Faculty
Reid Mrs. Alice 1955 Faculty
Renfro Jerry 1960
Renfro June 1961
Renfro Lollie Jean 1954
Renfro Loy 1958
Rhinehard Dorothy 1961
Rhinehart Flossie 1955 Reporter
Rhinehart Jim 1960
Rhineheart Betty Lou 1953
Richardson J. C. 1959
Richardson Linda 1960 President
Riles Calvin 1953 Treasurer
Riley Irma H. 1954
Riley Margie 1932
Roach Raymond 1964
Robbins John S. 1952 Faculty
Robbins John S. 1953 Faculty
Roberts Anna Laura 1958
Roberts James 1935
Robins John S. 1951 Faculty
Robins John S. 1954 Faculty
Robinson Karen 1963
Robinson Martha Blount 1935
Rogers Jim 1960
Rogers Mrs. B. L. 1953 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. B. L. 1956 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. B. L. 1958 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. B. L. 1959 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. B. L. 1954 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. B. L. 1955 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. Ellen 1946 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. Ellen 1947 Sponsor
Rogers Mrs. Ellen 1948 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. Ellen 1951 Faculty
Rogers Mrs. Ellen L. 1949 Sponsor
Rogers Mrs. Ellen L. 1950 Faculty
Rushing Brenda 1962
Rushing Charlotte 1962
Rushing Katie Smith 1952 Secretary
Scott Frank C., Jr. 1956
Scott Glenn F. 1960
Scott Irene 1953
Sewell Aileen 1944
Sewell Freda 1946
Shipman Josie 1928
Shurbt Peggy Striegel 1934
Shutt Edward 1954
Simmons Alma Hays 1934
Simmons Mary 1938 Secretary Treasurer
Simmons Miss Paula 1949 Faculty
Simmons Paula 1944
Sims Betty Sue 1960
Sims Cherri Joyce 1959
Sims James 1940
Sims Martha Jo 1959
Sims Rebecca Ann 1964
Sims Ruth Marie 1956
Skipper Kate Smith 1924
Smart Leon 1950
Smart Max Ray 1960
Smart Raymond 1963
Smart Virginia 1954
Smartt Shelby 1956 Reporter
Smith A. B. 1944 Vice President
Smith Annie May 1959
Smith Billy S. 1944 President
Smith Charles W. 1925
Smith Clara Sue 1954
Smith Eddie 1965
Smith Eddie Sue 1946
Smith Gail 1958
Smith Gid H. 1959 Vice-President
Smith Hardin 1931
Smith Homer 1932
Smith James N. 1937
Smith Jerry Clyde 1955
Smith John W. 1942
Smith Larry 1956 V. President
Smith Margie 1944 Secretary
Smith Marie 1943 Vice President second term
Smith Mary 1941
Smith Mary Jo 1948
Smith Mary Kate 1937
Smith Mattie Welch Magers 1931
Smith Melba 1944 Ch. Pro. Com.
Smith Monnie L. 1939
Smith Randy 1963 V. President
Smith Russell 1964
Smith Sherry 1958
Smith Spellings 1954
Smith Stanley 1965
Smith Trudell 1943
Smith Wanda Kay 1964
Spellings Grace 1940
Spellings Martha Kay 1954 Secretary
Spence Betty Lou 1951 Treasurer
Spence Charlotte 1961
Spence Joe 1954 Reporter
Staggs Wanda 1963
Stanton Paul 1961
Stevens Grapelle Smith 1940
Stout Jim Wyly 1941
Stout John S. 1944 Sgt. At Arms
Strawn Joyce 1960
Stricklin Dola 1963
Swift Dora Ruth 1948
Swift Gayle 1965
Swift Glenn Duaine 1964
Swift Hazel Reaves 1926
Swift Joyce 1961
Swift Kathleen 1951 Reporter
Swift Leila Faye 1932
Swift R. T. 1954
Swift Ronald Travis 1965
Swindle Elizabeth 1954
Swindle James 1958
Swindle Sue 1953
Tate Billy M. 1937
Tate Rogers 1928
Taylor Edith 1961 Sponsor
Taylor Edith 1963 Sponsor
Taylor Edith 1964 Faculty
Taylor Edith 1965 Faculty
Taylor James V. 1954
Taylor Kate 1922
Taylor Mary Dell 1946
Taylor Mrs. A.m. 1928
Taylor Mrs. Edith 1958 Faculty
Taylor Mrs. Edith 1962 Sponsor
Taylor Mrs. Jerry 1955 Faculty
Taylor Mrs. Jerry 1959 Co-Sponsor
Taylor Mrs. Jerry 1960 Co-sponsor
Taylor Sarah 1955
Teague Elco 1931
Teague G. L. 1957
Teague J. Alfred 1937
Teague Jerry Paul 1961
Teague Ollie 1941
Teague Paul 1952
Thomas Atha 1944
Thomas Janice 1960
Thomas Joyce 1960
Thomas Larry 1963
Thomas Wanda 1960
Thompson Ida 1949
Thompson Leslie Brown 1946 President
Thompson Marvin 1934
Thompson Maude Vise 1923
Thompson Thelma 1938
Tilley Dora Yarbro 1930
Tillman Gary 1963
Tillman George 1933
Tillman June Maners 1957
Tillman Lorene 1943 Treasurer first term
Tillman Melba 1949
Tillman Willie Hue 1938 Vice President
Tolley Dalton 1960
Tolley Edna 1948
Tolley Eva 1938
Tolley Hollis Daniel 1964
Tolley Kay 1961
Tolley Leo 1934
Tolley Louise 1946
Tolley Martha 1963 Secretary
Tolley Mary Nell 1948
Tolley Patricia 1965
Tolley Paul 1941
Tolley Provencher 1939
Tolley Thomas 1955
Tolley Virginia Lea 1950
Townsend Virginia Jones 1944
Tucker Agnes 1942
Tucker Carmen 1922
Tucker Dwayne 1942
Tucker Dwayne 1956 Faculty
Tucker Dwayne 1958 Faculty
Tucker Faye 1950
Tucker Jerry Paul 1957
Tucker Laverne 1938
Tucker Linda Cordle 1963
Tucker Margaret Smith 1957
Tucker McNeva 1961
Tucker Mexsanna 1963
Tucker Mildred 1953 Secretary
Tucker Nancy 1958
Tucker Phlake 1938
Turnbo Dewey 1958
Turnbo Dorothy 1958
Turnbo Paul 1965
Turner Athalia 1951
Turner Mable 1956
Turner Milburn 1960
Turner Rogers 1957
Turpin Carol 1961
Turpin Joyce 1964
Tuten Martha Frances 1952
Tuten Nancy 1959
Tuten Nellie 1963 Faculty
Tuten Nellie 1964 Faculty
Tuten Nellie 1965 Faculty
Tuten Nellie Maners 1926
Tuten Sarolyn Ann 1965
Tuten W. R. 1938
Vise Dorothy 1935
Vise Eddie 1953
Vise Elmer Floyd 1939
Vise George Larry 1965
Vise Guy T. 1927
Vise Horton 1948
Vise J. B. 1946
Vise James L. 1942 President
Vise Jo Anne 1955
Vise Judy Annette 1964
Vise Loraine 1941
Vise Lucy 1948
Vise Malcolm 1943
Vise Martha 1943
Vise Robert 1935
Vise Ruby Nell 1955
Vise Doug 1961 President
Walker Cecil 1960
Walker Charlotte 1965
Walker Dolly 1959
Walker Ivo 1938
Wallace Janis 1965 President
Wallace Betty Hurst Martin 1957
Wallace Carl 1960
Ward Bobby L. 1953
Ward Fred 1961 V-President
Ward Jehu 1944
Ward Jerry Paul 1952 President
Ward Joyce 1954
Ward Mayme White 1927
Ward Myracle 1927
Warren Elizabeth 1952
Weatherford Donna 1964
Weatherford Beverly 1961 Secretary
Webster Shirley 1965
Welch C. N. 1961 Faculty
Welch Charles 1954 Faculty
Welch Charles 1958 Faculty
Welch Charlie 1927
Welch Charlie 1952 Faculty
Welch Charlie 1953 Faculty
Welch Charlie 1956 Faculty
Welch Charlie 1959 Faculty
Welch Charlie 1960 Faculty
Welch Dicky 1962 Vice-President
Welch Doris 1963
Welch Franklin W. 1957
Welch Helen Fay 1958
Welch Jackie 1954
Welch Lewis 1923
Welch Linda 1964
Welch Louis 1963 Faculty
Welch Mary Ellen 1946 Treasurer
Welch Nora 1938
Welch P. W. 1961 Faculty
Welch P. W. 1964 Sponsor
Welch P. W. 1965 Faculty
Welch P. W. 1963 Faculty
Welch Tommie 1961
Welch Weldon 1925
Welch Weldon 1959 Faculty
Welch Weldon 1960 Faculty
West Glen Paul 1948
West J. W. 1941 President
West James 1936
West James 1941 Faculty
West Thomas 1954
Wheat Faye 1953
Wheat Garey 1963
Wheat Hugh E. 1942 Vice President
Wheat J. W. 1932
Wheat Larry 1963
Wheat Tommy 1935
White Anna Carolyn 1962 Treasurer
White Betty Lou 1953
White Bon C. Jr. 1945
White Bonnye 1941
White Carrie Belle 1941
White Delilah 1951
White Elmo 1943
White Eve Blount 1924
White Frances Duck 1960
White Glenda 1965 Treasurer
White Herman 1931
White Hilda 1962
White Imogene 1947
White Irene 1946
White J. Thomas 1937
White Jack 1958 Treasurer
White Jimmy 1959
White Josephine 1941
White Juanita 1958
White Katherine 1959
White London Jr. 1934
White Martha 1938 Reporter
White Martha Ann 1944 Reporter
White Nancy 1964
White Peggy Sue 1953
White Robert 1934
White Rubye 1961
White Stanley 1953
White Vernel 1952
White William 1940
White Wilma 1941
Williams Bobby 1955
Williams Charles 1958
Williams Ima Jean 1959
Williams Nellie 1938
Willis R. C. 1947
Wright Billy 1954
Wright Jesse Paul 1943
Wright Mrs. Willie Lancaster 1936
Wyatt Doris 1951
Wyatt Edward 1946
Wyatt Emodine 1944 Financial Secretary
Wyatt James 1961
Wyatt Joan Phillips 1960
Wyatt John 1955
Wyatt Lealon 1955 Faculty
Wyatt Lealon Jr. 1958 Vice-President
Wyatt Mary Kathleen 1937
Wyatt Verbie A. 1937
Wyatt Virginia 1946 Secretary
Wylie Jean 1959 Reporter
Yarbro Alma Lee 1962
Yarbro Bennie 1957
Yarbro Betty J. 1950
Yarbro Clyde Jr. 1945
Yarbro David 1953
Yarbro Dorothy 1956
Yarbro Elizabeth 1962
Yarbro Forrest 1940
Yarbro Frances 1965 Secretary
Yarbro Gladys 1963
Yarbro Grady 1948 Sgt at Arms
Yarbro J. W. 1937
Yarbro Linda 1961
Yarbro Logan 1951
Yarbro Lola 1946
Yarbro Louise 1930
Yarbro Mae Smith 1925
Yarbro Marjorie 1943
Yarbro Mary K. 1943
Yarbro Mike 1965
Yarbro Nellie 1961
Yarbro Nina Sue 1954
Yarbro Patsy Faye 1964
Yarbro Robert V. 1959
Yarbro Shirley Mae 1964
Yarbro Walter 1930
Yarbro Welborn "Skip" 1955
Young Margie 1947
Young Estellee 1950
Youngerman Lena Lacy 1935

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This site is currently maintained by Jerry L. Butler
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