yesterday's tennessee

Yesterday's Tennessee


Ray Grissom-Pres.
"Not too serious, not too gay, But a good fellow when it comes to play."

Virginia Lee Walters Vice-pres.
"Ah, you flavor everything, You are the vanilla of society."


Mary Jo Van Dyke-Sec.
"Worry kills more women than bullets, why worry?"

Joe Neal Hooper-Treas.
"My only books are womans looks"


Charles Thompson
"The angels wept in heaven when I was born.

Trevor Lane
"To hold my own is quite enough for me."


Robbye Jean Wright
"Never was I afraid of men"

Ruby Martin
"And having wisdom with each studious year."


Thomas Dyer, Jr.
"He is the very pine apple of politeness."

Louise Powell
"I saw and loved."


Helen Wallace
"The very pink of perfection."

Ruth Goff
"Have lived in spite of the prunes."


Gerelene Neisler
"The poets darling."

Eugene Neisler
"He was so generally Civil nobody thanked him for it."



In the year of 1944 thirty one green freshmen entered the Sardis High School. Out of this large class only fourteen are graduating. Those who dropped out are: Inus Stone, Laverne Willis, Rachel Williams, Helen Brasher, Arnell Brasher, Zeola Singleton, Wilburn Tucker, Jean Morris, Imogene Richardson, Iva James McCollum, Clifton Grissom, Earl Beecham, and Ouida Glen Montgomery.

Fred Bailey, Faye Milliner, Bobbye Shepard are graduating at other schools.

Robbye Jean Wright quit school during her Junior year and re-entered a year later to graduate in forty eight.

We have sponsored. two plays during our four years of school. Bound to Marry and The Funny Brats. This year we are sponsoring another: Rich for a Day.

The first year we painted and redecorated the stage scenery and furniture.

All of us have had our ups and downs but have enjoyed every minute of our school days in "Old Sardis High." We wish that every class to follow will find as much fun as well as knowledge as we have.



Perky Sears - Robbye Jean Wright
Miss Elvira Hunnicutt - Trevor Lane
Curtis Hunnicutt - Ray Grissom
Sadie Thomas - Gerlene Neisler
Monte King - Charles Thompson
Susan King - Virginia Lee Walters
Edward Taylor - Eugene Neisler
Beatrice Hammond - Mary Jo Van Dyke
Ruth Jessup - Ruth Goff
Willis Taylor - Joe Neal Hopper
Mrs. Agatha Taylor - Louise Powell
Mrs. Peevy - Rubye Martin
Mrs. Hettie Higgenbotton - Helen Wallace


As I return to Sardis, Tennessee, in the spring of 1965, it is hard for me to realize all the changes that have been made since 1948. At last they have a paved highway here.
I ran across JOE NEAL HOPPER, surprised but glad to see him and have a long talk with him. He is doing well on his farm near Hinkle, raising white-faced cattle, which he learned all about under the supervision of GROVER WESTOVER, the Agriculture teacher.
It's only fair to put in a helping hand for an old classmate, that is why Joe Neal told me if I ever got into trouble just contact EUGENE NEISLER, Attorney at Law, Lexington, Tennessee.
RAY GRISSOM seems to be doing fine as a pilot for the Eastern Airlines. (Fly Eastern Airlines, Non-stop flight from Reagan to Lexington in three (3) minutes.)
CHARLES THOMPSON is playing Big League baseball and has discovered why it takes longer to run from second base to third than any other two bases. (because there is a short stop between them.)
RUBYE MARTIN and RUTH GOFF seem to enjoy their jobs as Nurses in the Veterans Hospital in Memphis. There is one thing we can't understand, why did they pick the Veterans Hospital?
TREVOR LANE seems to have quit trying to get those Phd's etc., after her name and has settled for the simple little Mrs. before it. Although she got a good job with the Navy Department.
JUNIOR DYER has taken up book-writing for his profession. He has just finished one he called, The Road to Insanity or Going My Way.
ROBBYE JEAN WRIGHT has just divorced her fifth husband and has started giving advice to the Love Lorn, with her experience she should become famous.
HELEN WALLACE and Endra Maness are rivals in the Beauty Shoppe business in Saltillo, Tennessee.
GERLENE NEISLER is doing nicely with her Style Shop, in Memphis. Of course she gets her latest styles from LOUISE POWELL who is in Paris, France. She is working with the Maid of Cotton.
VIRGINIA LEE WALTERS is teaching a dancing class in St. Louis (with Robert Montgomery her star pupil.) Lots of success Jenny.
MARY JO VAN DYKE is a designer for the Ford Company in Detroit, Michigan. Why did you give up the Chevrolet Company Mary Jo?
As a Junior, this is just one way of getting back at you Seniors. But Sincerely, I wish everyone of you lots of success and happiness in future years.



Who's Who Of Seniors

Most Handsome Boy - Joe Neal Hopper
Most Beautiful Girl - Louise Powell
Most Athletic Boy - Ray Grissom
Most Athletic Girl - Mary Jo Van Dyke
Cutest Boy - Charles Thompson
Cutest Girl - Robbye Jean Wright
Neatest Boy - Eugene Neisler
Neatest Girl - Trevor Lane
Most Studious Boy - Thomas Dyer
Most Studious Girl - Rubye Martin
Boy Most Likely To Succeed - Thomas Dyer
Girl Most Likely To Succeed - Virginia Lee Walters
Most Popular Boy - Ray Grissom
Most Popular Girl - Mary Jo Van Dyke



Since we are leaving Sardis High School, we the Senior class desire to leave to our successors as follows: The English Room and all its furnishings, good behavior in English class to be used by the Juniors and Sophomores for the same purpose we have used this year.
I, JOE NEAL HOPPER, will my meanness and curly hair to Sammy Howell.
I, ROBBYE JEAN WRIGHT, will my place in a Maroon Ford to Edna Kelly.
I, CHARLES THOMPSON, will my loud mouth to Barbara Lee Landry.
I, RUBYB MARTIN, will my ability to attract a black haired boy to Nell Goff.
I, TREVOR LANE, will my ability to collect class rings from Sailors to Patricia Simmons.
I, VIRGINIA LEE WALTERS, will my ability as a cheer leader to Dorthia Dean McBride.
I, LOUISE POWELL, will my place as most beautiful girl in Senior class to Bertie Lee Grissom.
I, RAY GRISSOM, will my back seat in English class to Neal Martin.
I, HELEN WALLACE, will my shorthand book to Curtis Wallace.
I, GERLENE NEISLER, will my brown eyes to Perry Joe Story.
I, EUGENE NEISLER, will my ability as an English student to James Roy Grissom.
I, THOMAS DYER, will six inches of my height to Carl Hopper.
I, RUTH GOFF, will my loud laugh to Ledell Taylor.
I, MARY JO VANDYKE, will my dimples to Joe Dean Smith.

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